News archive
- Starting in January 2021, we are organizing a new online international "Topological Recursion and Integrability Seminar". Everyone is welcome to join!
- On October 29, 2020, Paweł Ciosmak defended his thesis entitled "On quantum curves, Airy structures and supersymmetry" and obtained a PhD degree. Congratulations!
- „Im dalej tym bliżej” – wywiad, Academia nr 2 (54) 2018
- Good summer (2018) news: "Team" grant for research on "Random matrix models" from the Foundation for Polish Science!
- "Topological recursion" [pdf] – a snapshot of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach (Imaginary).
- Ile wymiarów ma Wszechświat? Czym są czasoprzestrzeń, kwanty, struny? O tym w Kawiarni Naukowej Festiwalu Nauki (19 lutego 2018) oraz na wykładzie Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego w Szczecinie (11 czerwca 2018).

- Meetings not to be missed: "Quantum knot homology and supersymmetric gauge theories" (Aspen Center for Physics, March 4-10, 2018), "Categorification in mathematical physics" (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA, April 9-13, 2018), "Quantum fields, knots, and strings" (University of Warsaw, September 25-28, 2018) and "Quantum knot invariants and supersymmetric gauge theories" (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, USA, November 5 – December 14, 2018).
- Our colloquium "The Algebra & Geometry of Modern Physics" this year (2017/2018) will be devoted to supersymmetry and index theorems. Everyone is welcome!
- This Fall (2017) members of our group are conquering the world with new postdoc positions. Piotr Kucharski, after a year in Uppsala University, will move to the California Institute of Technology (under Mobilność Plus grant). Masahide Manabe is moving to the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, and Junya Yagi to the Perimeter Institute. Congratulations!
- On September 13, 2017, Piotr Kucharski defended his PhD thesis. This summer also Paweł Smoliński defended MSc. thesis, and Tomasz Linowski and Artur Strąg obtained BSc. degrees. Congratulations!
- August 2017: Polish Physical Society – science popularization prize and Ernst medal.
- May 2017: Paweł Ciosmak and Jakub Jankowski won Preludium and Sonata grants from the National Science Centre to conduct research in our group. Congratulations!
- Rozmowa z okazji 25-lecia FNP: "Ważne fizyków rozmowy"
- Science popularization prize for Piotr Sułkowski and the Faculty of Physics.
- Polish Academy of Sciences Stefan Pieńkowski Prize.
- W radiu TokFM o konferencji "Światy równoległe", działalności "Zapytaj fizyka", i fizyce współczesnej.
- Prof. Tomasz Taylor will spend the academic year 2016/2017 at our department as a Fulbright visiting professor. Among other activities he will give a lecture course entitled "Amplitudes" – everyone is encouraged to learn how to compute them!
- Helder Larraguivel and Petr Vasko joined our group this autumn (2016)!

- A new lecture course in the winter term 2016/2017: Conformal field theory
- PAP – Nauka w Polsce (2016): Fizyk rozsupłuje zagadnienia z pogranicza teorii strun i teorii węzłów
- Now we know: quantum curves are singular vectors and BPS spectra can be sequenced!
- Prime Minister Prizes 2015 (and a list of laureates).
- Our Advanced School on Topological Quantum Field Theory (Warsaw, December 7-9, 2015) has just been announced!
- Minister of Science and Higher Education Prizes 2015
- Our String theory journal club meetings take place (unless otherwise stated) on Wednesdays at 11:00 this academic year (2015/2016)
- Paweł Ciosmak, Miłosz Panfil, Junya Yagi joined our group this Fall (2015)
- Our research and science popularization activites have been awarded by the Award of the City of Warsaw, which is granted to people or teams of people who are of special merit to the City; the awards ceremony took place at the Royal Castle on July 31st, 2015.
- Congratulations to Miłosz Panfil, who was awarded (on June 22, 2015) the Fuga postdoctoral grant from the National Science Center and will join our group soon!
- A promotional movie presenting University of Warsaw has just been released. Zapytaj fizyka shares a few out of its 100 seconds!
- This week (June 1-5, 2015) the Mathematics and physics of knot homologies conference is taking place, summarizing the whole semester program on these and related topics at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.

- Interview about "Zapytaj fizyka" in TokFM (March 18, 2015)
- In January 2015 Prof. Neil Lambert became an affiliated professor at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw; he will be our guest for the next few years. This spring he will give a course on string theory and M-theory - everyone is welcome to attend!
- A new webpage for the project Zapytaj fizyka has just been launched. This is a science popularization project in which we answer intriguing physics questions asked by non-experts. As part of the project we will also organize a series of lectures by famous physicists and science advocates. First lectures are given by prof. Michał Heller (February 26th), dr Stanisław Bajtlik (March 12th), prof. Ryszard Horodecki (April 17th). The lectrues are advertised, among the others in buses, trams, and trains in Warsaw transportation system - be alert!
- We have launched the "KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots"; the accompanying paper has been published in Nucl. Acids. Res.
- "(Introduction to) Topological Field Theory" - a new lecture series in the winter term 2014/2015, Tuesdays, 16:15-18:00, lecture room C223 (Faculty of Physics, ul. Pasteura 5); see also USOSweb and EXAM PROBLEMS AND QUESTIONS
- A workshop "Quantum curves, Hitchin systems, and the Eynard-Orantin theory" will take place at the American Institute for Mathematics, Palo Alto (CA), September 29 - October 3, 2014
- Spotkanie z Hubertem Czerepokiem i Piotrem Sułkowskim, w ramach tegorocznej edycji projektu Synchronizacja Fundacji "Bęc Zmiana" oraz wystawy ZAPAL SIĘ!, odbędzie się 22 września 2014 r. o godz. 18:00 w Parku Rzeźby wokół Królikarni. Zapraszamy!