Piotr Sułkowski Professor (prof. dr hab.), Principal Investigator
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics & California Institute of Technology
Current members

Daniel Bryan Postdoctoral researcher
Research interests: BPS structures, wall crossing phenomena, quivers, topological string theory, Lie algebras
email: Daniel.Bryan [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 4.78b

Luigi Guerrini Postdoctoral researcher
Research interests: supersymmetric QFT, AdS/CFT correspondence, defects, JT gravity
email: Luigi.Guerrini [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 4.78b

Pedram Karimi PhD student
Research interests: dualities in string theory, topological quantum field theory, topological string theory
email: Pedram.Karimi [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 4.38 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 838

Souradeep Purkayastha PhD student
Research interests: quantum field theory, mathematical physics, string theory, matrix models
email: Souradeep.Purkayastha [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 5.62 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 962

Abhigyan Saha PhD student
Research interests: knot theory, string theory, quiver representation theory, non-commutative geometry
email: Abhigyan.Saha [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 5.67 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 962

Jacek Kenig MSc student (2022-2023), PhD student
MSc thesis: “Formalizing Field Theories: A Study of the Geometric Cobordism Hypothesis”, September 2023, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: higher geometry and algebra, topological quantum field theory
email: Jacek.Kenig [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 4.38 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 838
Former postdocs and faculty members

Nikolai Iorgov Professor (2023)
Research interests: quantum integrable systems, Painleve equations, Conformal Field Theory, representation theory

Aditya Bawane PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2020-2023)
Research interests: gravity and CFTs in two dimensions, supersymmetric gauge theories
email: Aditya.Bawane [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 5.62 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 962
Kento Osuga PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2021-2022)
Research interests: topological string theory, cohomological field theory, supersymmetric gauge theory, matrix models

Carlos Perez Sanchez PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2019-2021)
Research interests: random matrices and tensor models, topological quantum field theories, noncommutative geometry, topological recursion

Sibasish Banerjee PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2019)
Research interests: string theory and gauge theories, algebraic geometry, complex and symplectic geometry, number theory

Vivek Kumar Singh PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2019)
Research interests: Chern-Simons theory and knot invariants, topological string theory, vertex model, representation theory, matrix models, entanglement entropy

Jakub Jankowski PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2017-2020)
Research interests: applied AdS/CFT correspondence, holographic description of real-time dynamics of systems with phase transitions, resurgence in hydrodynamics and Chern-Simons theories

Miłosz Panfil PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2015-2018)
Research interests: strongly correlated systems, integrable models, knot theory, topological field theories
email: Milosz.Panfil [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 5.10 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 910

Ehsan Hatefi PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2017-2018)
Research interests: brane effective actions, T-duality, alpha’ corrections in string theory, effective field theory, topological field theory, mirror symmetry, integrability in gauge theories, Chern-Simons theory, AdS/CFT

Petr Vasko PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2016-2018)
Research interests: rigid supersymmetry on curved manifolds, exact results in supersymmetric field theories, mirror symmetry, integrability in gauge theories

Hironori Mori PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2017-2018)
Research interests: supersymmetric field theories, non-perturbative phenomena in string and field theory, integrability, knots and number theory

Masahide Manabe Postdoctoral researcher (2014-2017)
Research interests: matrix models, supersymmetric gauge theories, topological strings

Junya Yagi PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2015-2017)
Research interests: supersymmetric field theories, integrability, M5-branes

Satoshi Nawata Postdoctoral researcher (2014-2015)
Research interests: supersymmetric gauge theories, knot invariants, dualities from M5-branes

Grzegorz Łach Postdoctoral researcher (2014)
Research interests: low energy quantum field theory, Casimir effect, RNA structure prediction and design, numerical methods
email: 137.036 [at] gmail.comoffice: 5.46 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 946

Sebastian Zając Postdoctoral researcher (2013-2014)
Research interests: matrix models, RNA topology, neutrino phenomenology
www: Personal webpageFormer PhD students

Yurii Zhuravlov PhD student (2023)
Research interests: quantum integrable systems, Conformal Field Theory, Painleve equations, transport in low-dimensional quantum systems

Helder Larraguivel PhD student (2016-2023)
PhD thesis: “A-polynomials, symmetries and permutohedra for quivers and knots”, January 2023, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological quantum field theory, matrix models

Shi Cheng PhD student (2019-2022)
PhD thesis: “Refined topological vertex and supersymmetric gauge theories”, June 2022, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological recursion, matrix models, topological strings, SUSY gauge theories

Dmitry Noshchenko PhD student (2017-2022)
PhD thesis: “Recursive structures for Nahm sums”, July 2022, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: dualities in mathematical physics, topological recursion, homotopy Lie algebras, quantum invariants of manifolds, integrability

Paweł Ciosmak PhD student (2015-2020)
PhD thesis: “On quantum curves, Airy structures and supersymmetry”, November 2020, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological quantum field theory, matrix models

Piotr Kucharski PhD student (2013-2017)
PhD thesis: “Knots and BPS states”, September 2017, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: BPS states, knot invariants
Former students

Bartosz Prech BSc student (2023-2024)
BSc thesis: “Geodesics in Eguchi-Hanson space”, September 2024, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: general relativity, instantons

Michał Zdziennicki BSc student (2022-2023)
BSc thesis: “Kryształy czasu i spontaniczne łamanie symetrii”, September 2023, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: time crystals

Jacek Kenig MSc student (2022-2023), PhD student
MSc thesis: “Formalizing Field Theories: A Study of the Geometric Cobordism Hypothesis”, September 2023, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: higher geometry and algebra, topological quantum field theory
email: Jacek.Kenig [at] fuw.edu.ploffice: 4.38 tel.: (+48) 22 55 32 838

Vebjørn Gilberg MSc student (2018-2021)
MSc thesis: “On topological strings, Chern-Simons theory and the topological vertex”, April 2021, University of Oslo, advisors: Prof. Morten Hjort-Jensen, Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological string theory, topological vertex

Artur Strąg BSc student (2016-2017), MSc student
BSc thesis: “Minimal models of conformal field theory and their correlation functions”, September 2017, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: two-dimensional superconformal field theory, string theory, knot theory
email: as358849 [at] okwf.fuw.edu.pl
Paweł Smoliński MSc student (2016-2017)
MSc thesis: “From topological strings to quantum invariants of knots and quivers”, July 2017, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological quantum field theory, knot invariants

Tomasz Linowski BSc student (2016-2017), MSc student (2018-2019)
BSc thesis: “Low-dimensional models of quantum field theory”, July 2017, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
MSc thesis: “Stabilizability of entangled two-mode Gaussian states”, June 2019, University of Warsaw, advisors: dr hab. Łukasz Rudnicki, Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: low-dimensional quantum field theory

Ernest Yeung MSc student (2013-2014)
MSc thesis: “Quantum super-A-polynomials”, March 2014, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, advisors: Prof. Peter Mayr, Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: super-A-polynomials

Wojciech Gac BSc student (2013-2014)
Research interests: matrix models, topological recursion
Former overseas ERC team members

Tudor Dimofte ERC investigator (2013-2019)
Member at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton, USA
www: http://www.ias.edu/people/cos/users/10270email: tdd [at] ias.edu

Bertrand Eynard ERC investigator (2013-2019)
Professor at the Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA, Saclay, France
www: Personal webpageemail: bertrand.eynard [at] cea.fr

Sergei Gukov ERC investigator (2013-2019)
Professor at Caltech, USA
www: Personal webpage at Caltechemail: gukov [at] theory.caltech.edu

Motohico Mulase ERC investigator (2013-2019)
Professor at the University of California, Davis, USA
www: Webpage at UC Davisemail: mulase [at] math.ucdavis.edu

Marko Stošić ERC investigator (2013-2019)
Researcher at the ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal
www: Webpage at ISR, ISTemail: mstosic [at] isr.ist.utl.pt