Research interests: quantum integrable systems, Conformal Field Theory, Painleve equations, transport in low-dimensional quantum systems
Categories: Former PhD students
PhD thesis: “Refined topological vertex and supersymmetric gauge theories”, June 2022, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological recursion, matrix models, topological strings, SUSY gauge theories
PhD thesis: “Recursive structures for Nahm sums”, July 2022, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: dualities in mathematical physics, topological recursion, homotopy Lie algebras, quantum invariants of manifolds, integrability
PhD thesis: “A-polynomials, symmetries and permutohedra for quivers and knots”, January 2023, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological quantum field theory, matrix models
PhD thesis: “On quantum curves, Airy structures and supersymmetry”, November 2020, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: topological quantum field theory, matrix models
PhD thesis: “Knots and BPS states”, September 2017, University of Warsaw, advisor: Piotr Sułkowski
Research interests: BPS states, knot invariants