73. Pawel Caputa, Souradeep Purkayastha, Abhigyan Saha, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Musings on SVD and pseudo entanglement entropies”,
JHEP 2411 (2024) 103, arXiv: 2408.06791 [hep-th].
72. Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Torus knots and generalized Schröder paths”,
Nucl. Phys. B1012 (2025) 116814, arXiv: 2405.10161 [hep-th].
71. Piotr Kucharski, Helder Larraguivel, Dmitry Noshchenko, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Unlinking symmetric quivers”,
arXiv: 2312.14905 [hep-th].
70. Shi Cheng, Piotr Sułkowski,
“3d N=2 theories and plumbing graphs: adding matter, gauging, and new dualities”,
JHEP 2308 (2023) 136, arXiv: 2302.13371 [hep-th].
69. Jakub Jankowski, Piotr Kucharski, Helder Larraguivel, Dmitry Noshchenko, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Quiver diagonalization and open BPS states”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 402 (2023) 1551, arXiv: 2212.04379 [hep-th].
68. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Knots, quivers, and quantization of A-polynomials”,
In „Quantization of Complex Symplectic Varieties”, Oberwolfach Workshop Report 45 (2022) 22.
67. Aditya Bawane, Pedram Karimi, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Proving superintegrability in ß-deformed eigenvalue models”,
SciPost Phys. 13 (2022) 069, arXiv: 2206.14763 [hep-th].
66. Tobias Ekholm, Angus Gruen, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Kucharski, Sunghyuk Park, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Branches, quivers, and ideals for knot complements”,
Journal of Geometry and Physics 177 (2022) 104520, arXiv: 2110.13768 [hep-th].
65. Jakub Jankowski, Piotr Kucharski, Helder Larraguivel, Dmitry Noshchenko, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Permutohedra for knots and quivers”,
Phys. Rev. D104 (2021) 086017, arXiv: 2105.11806 [hep-th].
64. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Quantum fields, strings, and physical mathematics”,
PoS (ICHEP2020) 042, arXiv: 2104.03350 [hep-th].
63. Shi Cheng, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Refined open topological strings revisited”,
Phys. Rev. D104 (2021) 106012, arXiv: 2104.00713 [hep-th].
62. Taro Kimura, Miłosz Panfil, Yuji Sugimoto, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Branes, quivers and wave-functions”,
SciPost Phys. 10 (2021) 051, arXiv: 2011.06783 [hep-th].
61. Sergei Gukov, James Halverson, Fabian Ruehle, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Learning to Unknot”,
Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 2 (2021) 025035, arXiv: 2010.16263 [math.GT].
60. Sibasish Banerjee, Jakub Jankowski, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Revisiting the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky Expansion, or There and Back Again”,
JHEP 2012 (2020) 095, arXiv: 2007.00579 [hep-th].
59. Tobias Ekholm, Angus Gruen, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Kucharski, Sunghyuk Park, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Ẑ at large N: from curve counts to quantum modularity”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 396 (2022) 143-186, arXiv: 2005.13349 [hep-th].
58. Helder Larraguivel, Dmitry Noshchenko, Miłosz Panfil, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Nahm sums, quiver A-polynomials and topological recursion”,
JHEP 2007 (2020) 151, arXiv: 2005.01776 [hep-th].
57. Vincent Bouchard, Paweł Ciosmak, Leszek Hadasz, Kento Osuga, Błażej Ruba, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Super Quantum Airy Structures”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 380 (2020) 449-522, arXiv: 1907.08913 [math-ph].
56. Miłosz Panfil, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Topological strings, strips and quivers”,
JHEP 1901 (2019) 124, arXiv: 1811.03556 [hep-th].
55. Miłosz Panfil, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Donaldson-Thomas invariants, torus knots, and lattice paths”,
Phys. Rev. D98 (2018) 026022, arXiv: 1802.04573 [hep-th].
54. Paweł Ciosmak, Leszek Hadasz, Zbigniew Jaskólski, Masahide Manabe, Piotr Sułkowski,
“From CFT to Ramond super-quantum curves”,
JHEP 1805 (2018) 133, arXiv: 1712.07354 [hep-th].
53. Paweł Ciosmak, Leszek Hadasz, Masahide Manabe, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Singular vector structure of quantum curves”,
Proc. Symposia in Pure Mathematics 100 (2018) 119, arXiv: 1711.08031 [hep-th].
52. Piotr Kucharski, Markus Reineke, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Knots-quivers correspondence”,
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 23, 7 (2019) 1849-1902, arXiv: 1707.04017 [hep-th].
51. Piotr Kucharski, Markus Reineke, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“BPS states, knots and quivers”,
Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 121902(R) [Editors’ Suggestion], arXiv: 1707.02991 [hep-th].
50. Jørgen E. Andersen, Hiroyuki Fuji, Masahide Manabe, Robert Penner, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Partial chord diagrams and matrix models”,
Travaux Mathématiques 25 (2017) 233 (open access), arXiv: 1612.05840 [math-ph].
49. Jørgen E. Andersen, Hiroyuki Fuji, Masahide Manabe, Robert Penner, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Enumeration of chord diagrams via topological recursion and quantum curve techniques”,
Travaux Mathématiques 25 (2017) 285 (open access), arXiv: 1612.05839 [math-ph].
48. Piotr Kucharski, Piotr Sułkowski,
“BPS counting for knots and combinatorics on words”,
JHEP 1611 (2016) 120, arXiv: 1608.06600 [hep-th].
47. Paweł Ciosmak, Leszek Hadasz, Masahide Manabe, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Super-quantum curves from super-eigenvalue models”,
JHEP 1610 (2016) 044, arXiv: 1608.02596 [hep-th].
46. Piotr Sułkowski (joint work with Masahide Manabe),
“Quantum curves, matrix models and conformal field theory”,
In „Topological recursion and TQFTs”, Oberwolfach reports 13, 1 (2016) 387.
45. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Chord diagrams, random matrices, and topological recursion”,
In „New Trends in Teichmüller Theory and Mapping Class Gropus”, Oberwolfach reports No. 11, 1 (2014) 395.
44. Sergei Gukov, Satoshi Nawata, Ingmar Saberi, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Sequencing BPS spectra”,
JHEP 1603 (2016) 004, arXiv: 1512.07883 [hep-th].
43. Masahide Manabe, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Quantum curves and conformal field theory”,
Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 126003, arXiv: 1512.05785 [hep-th].
42. Stavros Garoufalidis, Piotr Kucharski, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Knots, BPS states, and algebraic curves”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 346 (2016) 75-113, arXiv: 1504.06327 [hep-th].
41. Hee-Joong Chung, Tudor Dimofte, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Sułkowski,
“3d-3d correspondence revisited”,
JHEP 1604 (2016) 140, arXiv: 1405.3663 [hep-th].
40. Sergei Gukov, Piotr Sułkowski,
“A-polynomial, B-model, and Quantization”,
in “Homological Mirror Symmetry and Tropical Geometry”,
Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, UMILN 15 (2014).
39. Hiroyuki Fuji, Piotr Sułkowski,
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 90 (2015) 277, arXiv: 1303.3709 [math.AG].
38. Motohico Mulase, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Spectral curves and the Schroedinger equations for the Eynard-Orantin recursion”,
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 19, 5 (2015) 955-1015, arXiv: 1210.3006 [math-ph]
37. Hiroyuki Fuji, Sergei Gukov, Marko Stosic, Piotr Sułkowski,
“3d analogs of Argyres-Douglas theories and knot homologies”,
JHEP 1301 (2013) 175, arXiv: 1209.1416 [hep-th].
36. Hiroyuki Fuji, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Sułkowski
“Super-A-polynomial for knots and BPS states”,
Nucl. Phys. B867 (2013) 506, arXiv: 1205.1515 [hep-th].
35. Jørgen E. Andersen, Leonid Chekhov, Robert Penner, Christian Reidys, Piotr Sułkowski
“Topological recursion for chord diagrams, RNA complexes, and cells in moduli spaces”,
Nucl. Phys. B866 (2013) 414, arXiv: 1205.0658 [hep-th].
34. Hiroyuki Fuji, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Sułkowski, with an appendix by Hidetoshi Awata
“Volume Conjecture: Refined and Categorified”,
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 16, 6 (2012) 1669-1777, arXiv: 1203.2182 [hep-th].
33. Vincent Bouchard, Andrei Catuneau, Oliver Marchal, Piotr Sułkowski
“The remodeling conjecture and the Faber-Pandharipande formula”,
Lett. Mat. Phys. 103, 1 (2013) 59-77, arXiv: 1108.2689 [math.AG].
32. Sergei Gukov, Piotr Sułkowski,
“A-polynomial, B-model, and Quantization”,
JHEP 1202 (2012) 070, arXiv: 1108.0002 [hep-th].
31. Piotr Sułkowski,
“BPS states, crystals and matrices”,
Advances in High Energy Physics (2011) 357016, arXiv: 1106.4873 [hep-th].
30. Vincent Bouchard, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Topological recursion and mirror curves”,
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 16, 5 (2012) 1443-1483, arXiv: 1105.2052 [hep-th].
29. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Refined matrix models from BPS counting”,
Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 085021, arXiv: 1012.3228 [hep-th].
28. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Wall-crossing, open BPS counting and matrix models”,
JHEP 1103 (2011) 089, Erratum: JHEP 1104 (2011) 46, arXiv: 1011.5269 [hep-th].
27. Hirosi Ooguri, Piotr Sułkowski, Masahito Yamazaki,
“Wall Crossing As Seen By Matrix Models”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 307 (2011) 429, arXiv: 1005.1293 [hep-th].
26. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Matrix models for ß-ensembles from Nekrasov partition functions”,
JHEP 1004 (2010) 063, arXiv: 0912.5476 [hep-th].
25. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Wall-crossing, free fermions and crystal melting”,
Commun. Math. Phys. 301 (2011) 517, arXiv: 0910.5485 [hep-th].
24. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Matrix models for 2* theories”,
Phys. Rev. D80 (2009) 086006, arXiv: 0904.3064 [hep-th].
23. Albrecht Klemm, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Seiberg-Witten theory and matrix models”,
Nucl. Phys. B819 (2009) 400, arXiv: 0810.4944 [hep-th], poster.
22. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Lotte Hollands, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Quantum Curves and D-modules”,
JHEP 0911 (2009) 047, arXiv: 0810.4157 [hep-th].
21. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Deformed boson-fermion correspondence, Q-bosons, and topological strings on the conifold”,
JHEP 0810 (2008) 104, arXiv: 0808.2327 [hep-th].
20. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Instantons on ALE spaces and orbifold partitions”,
JHEP 0803 (2008) 013, arXiv: 0712.1427 [hep-th].
19. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Lotte Hollands, Piotr Sułkowski, Cumrun Vafa,
“Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Intersecting Branes and Free Fermions”,
JHEP 0802 (2008) 106, arXiv: 0709.4446 [hep-th].
18. Piotr Sułkowski,
“Crystal Model for the Closed Topological Vertex Geometry”,
JHEP 0612 (2006) 030, arXiv: hep-th/0606055.
17. Nicholas Halmagyi, Annamaria Sinkovics, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Knot invariants and Calabi-Yau crystals”,
JHEP 0601 (2006) 040, arXiv: hep-th/0506230.
16. Piotr Sułkowski,
“On Tachyon Potential in Boundary String Field Theory and Problems with Boundary Fermions”,
Acta Phys. Polon. B34 (2003) 4167-4183.
15. Luca Tubiana, …, Piotr Sułkowski, et al.,
“Topology in soft and biological matter”,
Physics Reports 1075 (2024) 1-137.
14. Pawel Rubach, Sebastian Zajac, Borys Jastrzebski, J. I. Sulkowska, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Genus for biomolecules”,
Nucl. Acids Res. 48 (2020) Issue D1, D1129-1135. [Genus database].
13. Pawel Dabrowski-Tumanski, Pawel Rubach, Dimos Goundaroulis, Julien Dorier, Piotr Sułkowski, Kenneth C. Millett, Eric J Rawdon, Andrzej Stasiak, Joanna I. Sulkowska,
“KnotProt 2.0: a database of proteins with knots and other entangled structures”,
Nucl. Acids Res. 47 (2019) Issue D1, D367–D375. [KnotProt database].
12. Sebastian Zając, Cody Geary, Ebbe Sloth Andersen, Pawel Dabrowski-Tumanski, Joanna I. Sulkowska, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Genus trace reveals the topological complexity and domain structure of biomolecules”,
Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 17537.
11. Joanna I. Sulkowska, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Entangled proteins: knots, slipknots, links, and lassos”,
In: “The role of topology in materials”, Springer (2018).
10. Aleksandra Gierut, Wanda Niemyska, Pawel Dabrowski-Tumanski, Piotr Sułkowski, Joanna I. Sulkowska,
“PyLasso – a PyMOL plugin to identify lassos”,
Bioinformatics 33 (23) (2017) 3819.
9. Wanda Niemyska, Pawel Dabrowski-Tumanski, Michal Kadlof, Ellinor Haglund, Piotr Sułkowski, Joanna I. Sulkowska,
“Complex lasso: new entangled motifs in proteins”,
Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 36895.
8. Michal Jamroz, Wanda Niemyska, Eric J. Rawdon, Andrzej Stasiak, Kenneth C. Millett, Piotr Sułkowski, Joanna I. Sulkowska,
“KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots”,
Nucl. Acids Res. 43 (2014) Issue D1, D306–D314. [KnotProt database]
7. Jørgen E. Andersen, Leonid Chekhov, Robert Penner, Christian Reidys, Piotr Sułkowski,
“Enumeration of RNA complexes via random matrix theory”,
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 41 (2013) 652, arXiv: 1303.1326 [q-bio.QM].
6. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Piotr Szymczak, Marek Cieplak,
“Untying knots in proteins”,
JACS 132 (40) (2010) 13954
5. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Jose N. Onuchic,
“Jamming proteins with slipknots and their free energy landscape”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 268103, arXiv: 1001.0009 [q-bio].
4. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Piotr Szymczak, Marek Cieplak,
“Stretching the knotted protein YibK and its unknotted constructs”,
Proc. of the conference on “Knots and soft-matter physics”, Kyoto University, Japan, 2009
3. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Jose N. Onuchic,
“Dodging the crisis in protein folding with knots”,
PNAS 106 (2009) 3119, arXiv: 0912.5450 [q-bio].
2. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Piotr Szymczak, Marek Cieplak,
“Stabilizing effect of knots on proteins – How knots influence properties of proteins”,
PNAS 105 (2008) 19714, arXiv: 0810.0415 [q-bio].
1. Joanna I. Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, Piotr Szymczak, Marek Cieplak,
“Tightening of knots in proteins”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 058106, arXiv: 0706.2380 [q-bio].

American Mathematical Society, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, vol. 107 (2024). Editors: Ron Donagi, Adrian Langer, Piotr Sułkowski, Katrin Wendland

Banach Center Publications, vol. 144 (2018). Editors: Nils Carqueville, Piotr Sułkowski and Rafał R. Suszek

Academia nr 2 (54) 2018

Rozmowa z okazji 25-lecia FNP (2017)

Wystąpienie i sprawozdanie z konferencji „Humboldt-Kolleg – Limits of knowledge” (2017)

PAP – Nauka w Polsce (2016)

PAP – Nauka w Polsce (2016) – English version

Pan European Networks – Science & Technology (16/2015), page 76

Pan European Networks – Science & Technology (09/2013), page 129 – “Polish dream”

Pismo UW, lipiec-sierpień 2013

Książka / Book (2013), Galeria El – konferencja / conference (2012)

Royal Society of Chemistry – Chemistry World News (2010)

PAP – Nauka w Polsce (2010)
PhD thesis
“Calabi-Yau crystals in topological string theory”
arXiv: 0712.2173 [hep-th]