Piotr Sułkowski

Piotr Sułkowski is a theoretical physicist, a professor at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (Poland), and a visiting faculty at the California Institute of Technology (USA). His research interests concern formal aspects of string theory and gauge theories, and not unrelated problems in mathematical physics. He has been working, among the others, on topics such as: topological string and field theories, Seiberg-Witten theory, mirror symmetry, matrix models, quantum curves and non-commutative geometry, knot theory, Calabi-Yau crystals. Occasionally he happens to be active in the field of  biophysics, trying to understand topological properties of biomolecules (such as knotted proteins, interacting RNA, etc.). He conducts research in all these topics with members of his group at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, and with collaborators around the world.


Education and degrees

  • 01.2021

    Professor title (full professor)

  • 01.2014

    Habilitation (Cum Laude)
    University of Warsaw (Cum Laude)

  • 06.2007

    PhD, University of Warsaw (Cum Laude)
    Advisors: Robbert Dijkgraaf (UvA), Jacek Pawełczyk (UW)

  • 06.2002

    MSc, University of Warsaw (Cum Laude)
    Advisor: Jacek Pawełczyk (UW)

  • 03.2001

    Postgraduate Course in High Energy Physics (Cum Laude)
    Durham University, Centre for Particle Theory

Affiliations, positions

  • From 2011

    University of Warsaw
    Assistant professor (from 2011), associate professor (from 2018), and professor (from 2021) in the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics
    Head of the Chair of Quantum Mathematical Physics (from 2022)

  • From 2012

    California Institute of Technology
    Long-term visiting faculty/associate in High Energy Theory Group

  • 04-05.2022

    Harvard University
    Visiting faculty in the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature

  • 11.2018

    KITP, University of California Santa Barbara
    Program coordinator

  • 03.2015 – 06.2015

    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University, New York
    Visiting associate / program coordinator

  • 01.2012 – 01.2013

    University of Amsterdam
    Postdoc in Institute for Theoretical Physics, String Theory Group

  • 10.2009 – 01.2012

    California Institute of Technology
    Postdoc in High Energy Theory Group

  • 09-10.2009

    Harvard University
    Visiting researcher in the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature

  • 03/04, 08.2009

    University of California San Diego
    Visiting researcher in High Energy Theory Group

  • 10.2007 – 08.2009

    University of Bonn and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics
    Postdoc in String Theory and Mathematical Physics Group

  • 08.2007 – 08.2011

    Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies
    Assistant professor in Theoretical Physics Department

  • 09.2004 – 06.2007

    University of Amsterdam
    (Visiting) PhD student in String Theory Group

  • 09.2002 – 06.2007

    University of Warsaw
    PhD student in Institute for Theoretical Physics

Awards, grants
